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Row ID: 1670
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Row ID: 1669
Clocks Fall Back: How to Reset Your Body Clock
Row ID: 1671
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Text Content: For a great start to your winter sleep cycle, follow our top tips:
Row ID: 1672
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Sub-header (optional): 1. Bedtime Routine
Text Content: Start your bedtime routine 15-20 minutes later tonight. This will help your body to make a smoother transition when the time change occurs on Sunday. After a few days to a week, your body will become acclimated to the new time.
Row ID: 1673
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Sub-header (optional): 2. Afternoon Naps
Text Content: We recommend taking short 20-minute catnaps in the afternoon these next few weeks. This will give you an energy boost into the night and will regulate your mood. Avoid taking too long of a nap as it may leave you feeling even drowsier.
Row ID: 1674
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Sub-header (optional): 3. Natural Light
Text Content: Make plans to go outside in the evenings and get some natural light exposure. Light helps you to stay more alert during the daytime, and will reduce your body's production of melatonin, which causes drowsiness.
Row ID: 1675
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Sub-header (optional): 4. Blackout Blinds
Text Content: BlocOut Blackout blinds are the perfect choice for either your own or your child’s bedroom if you want to get a better night’s sleep during these brighter evenings. The thermal fabric and custom made siderails will reduce light interference and help to regulate the temperature within your bedroom.
Row ID: 1676
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Text Content: A rule of thumb is that it takes about one day to adjust for each hour of time change so after a few weeks you and your family should be well adjusted.